Steinglas provides technology, production, plant engineering and consulting services in the field of thermal treatment of industrial minerals.
The properties of MicroBOLDs make them very variable and adaptable. They offer innovative solutions for countless industrial challenges, without harming the environment. Our company is dedicated to the development and use of this material.

Steinglas has developed a process for making lightweight filler granulates without the use of chemical additives. The process granulates industrial minerals like perlite, pitchstone and obsidian exclusively by heat.
The raw materials are available in quantity worldwide without requiring long-distance transportation. Wherever lightweight fillers are needed, our products can replace other, typically environmentally damaging, materials like microplastics.
The entire process is designed for sustainability, from raw materials to production and utilization. This is advantageous from an ecological standpoint and in terms of stable, sustained additional value.




There is high demand from industry for suitable granulates and advanced production technology. Steinglas has the innovation capabilities to take the technology and material to a new level.